Small Business

Know Your Audience: How Market Research Can Increase Success for Small Businesses!

Know Your Audience: How Market Research Can Increase Success for Small Businesses!

Hypnotherapists, Life Coaches and other holistic practitioners work with people with different needs. Their needs may be related to their personal life, their career, or their health. Each area can be very different. What you offer and what they are looking for needs to match to create success. It also is very important to include this in your marketing. The more people can relate to how you can help them, the more they will want your services.

For example, if you are a hypnotherapist, you most likely work with smokers and people who want to lose weight. These are two different niches. These people have different needs and desires.

As a Life Coach, you may be working with people who want to improve their business or improve their personal life. These are two different niches. These people have different needs and desires.

Small Business Selling with Integrity

Small Business Selling with Integrity

Selling actually has different meanings for different people. A salesperson who loves his or her job may love the term selling. It might feel exciting and wonderful. Another person may feel that it is the worst activity in the world. Why is there such a wide range of feelings? Let’s look at that.

You are probably a small business person if you are reading this book. While the examples used here are for hypnotherapists, you can use it for any holistic practitioner work. Much of it will even work for most small businesses.

Patriot Business Marketing