The Covid-19 shutdowns have destroyed small businesses all over the country. Large numbers of them are shutting their doors for good. To make matters worse, many Patriot Small Businesses are even further suppressed as they are finding traditional digital markets are being closed off to them specifically! More and more they are finding that big platform advertising such as Facebook or Twitter will no longer accept their business. These High Tech companies have been drastically censoring conservatives!
The result has been a migration of conservatives away from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to newer platforms such as Parler, Gab, MeWe, and Rumble because they don’t censor conservative views. That seems understandable, even reasonable, right? Unfortunately, the unintended consequence of this is helping to further destroy businesses that want access to a conservative market.
You see, Parler, Gab, MeWe, and Rumble don’t offer advertising on their platforms and that makes it much harder for businesses to get their products and services in front of the right people. So conservative businesses can only place ads with the older social media, yet for many, their prospective buyers aren’t there.
We feel that someone needs to sound the alarm and help before things get worse! That’s where we want to place ourselves at Patriot Business Marketing. We are here to help conservative and patriotic businesses salvage their businesses and livelihoods and market themselves successfully in this new ever-changing environment.
The purpose of this crowdfunding is to support patriotic and conservative businesses by helping to fund important resources for these companies and entrepreneurs to transition to new forms of doing business to help conservative small businesses who can’t afford digital marketing services that are targeting their unique challenges. This provides funds for research into optimum marketing solutions for conservative and patriotic businesses. Finally, we will advocate for changes to software and platforms that openly support conservative business needs.
It is so important in these difficult and challenging times for patriots to help out and support other patriots. Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA) is the rallying call that helps us to hold the line together today. We want to further this with tangible action and active collaboration.
Now it’s time for all patriots to work together, creating a whole new online world that supports those of us who love our families, support our faith, and who defend our liberties and our country.
Please consider supporting our vision of transition and change for the silent majority who simply want to live free, prosper, and go about their business making this country stronger and more secure.
Please consider donating to help the chiropractor who lost all his clients in the lockdown. He really could use our services, but doesn’t even have $50 to spend. Small businesses need our help. Please help them by donating. God Bless You!
Click here to donate now!