Your customers have problems and challenges. The truth is, every problem has a solution. See your business solution as the key to solving customer challenges. You can use this concept as a marketing strategy. However, you must clearly know what your customer’s challenges, issues, and problems are before you can solve them. In your marketing efforts, your copy must sound like you and your products and services are exactly the right answer for your ideal prospect. Really know the frustrations your market audience experiences with their problems. Then, you can refer to the frustration scenarios and how using your business solution reduces or completely eliminates the frustration.
Every Problem has a Solution and Frustrations
Imagine being the end user of your business solution. Can you write out on paper an end user’s most common frustrations that brings them to your business solution? If so, include this knowledge in your marketing strategy. Talking about specific frustrations helps connect you with your target market. After talking about each specific frustration, talk about the solution. Research shows that people who feel frustrated most often act to improve a situation. Since you want action takers, it’s a good thing to find out what frustrates your target.
For example, suppose your product is wooden covered, colored pencils. You may think your obvious market is artists, art teachers, and people who are interested in art. However, that is probably only a market segment of all the possible target audiences. As you look for new customers, think about other markets who would use wooden covered, colored pencils. But for now, let’s just go with art teachers as your target audience.
What frustrates art teachers about wooden covered, colored pencils? To start understanding their frustrations, pretend YOU are the art teacher. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine being an elementary school, second grade art teacher. Are you a man or a woman? You can only know the basic demographics of any niche by first doing marketing research. Just the basics will do for this example.
According to brief online research, more women than men teach elementary school. However, men are starting to make headway into this career field. But, for our example, let’s just suppose that your target is made up mainly of women art teachers. What are her frustrations when it comes to using colored pencils? Again, market research is necessary. But to continue with my point, if YOU were a woman art teacher, what would frustrate YOU about wooden covered, colored pencils?
Let’s say that it is that they roll on the floor and get under things in the classroom. But wait, what about women who homeschool their children? The home teaching scenario might reveal different frustrations from the commercial school setting. So now, it’s good to see if there are differences in each scenario. Remember, every problem has a solution. So, you first need to know the problems so you can figure out the solutions.
In our example, what might solve the problem of rolling colored pencils? How about making colored pencils in a different shape or with a film on the wooden covering that resists rolling? I don’t know but it might be something to explore. Again, market research BEFORE making product changes will tell you what would be a profitable market in which to engage.
More could be written on this topic. But you probably get the idea. Know that every problem has a solution. Provide that solution in a manner acceptable to your ideal market. This is an important step in business success.