Are you an online marketing newbie wondering what kind of content engages best on your website? If so, think about your website as a place to give your fans a reason to return often. When you think of website ideas for beginners, think “simple and clear” content for your fans.

Go back in your memory to when you were a youngster just learning to learn how to read. Your teacher started you out with simple to understand content that also kept your interest. As you developed your reading skill, you added new, different and perhaps unusual content that continued to excite your mind.

Similar to this concept, think of your website content as being very much like the content of an interesting story you read as a beginning reader. Because your teacher provided understandable content that also interested you, you felt encouraged to keep coming back to read more.

The content intrigued you so much, you couldn’t seem to put the book down. Eager to get back to it, it seemed like work was an interruption. Have you ever felt that interested in a TV show or a book or a website? THIS is the type of content to put on YOUR website. Something that strongly interests your target market.

Website content that engages, excites and gives clues that keep your visitor wants to know the next steps, motivates website visitors to return often. Just like any fascinating story that bathes your mind with interesting, forward-moving details, your website needs content that inspires and motivates your target market.

Website Ideas For Beginners Contains Contextually Relevant Information

What is contextually relevant information? It is data your ideal prospect is already seeking. Why? Because he or she is already interested in the general topic.

For example, if your website is about cooking ware, your ideal prospect already loves food. Regarding contextually relevant website content, think of your website as being a resource for the person who really loves food. That would mean you would publish recipes, articles about exotic foods and how to use them in a certain dish or asking your fans to share their favorite recipe.

Conversely, you would NOT publish information about ping pong balls, flying monkeys, Batman, how to grow hair on a bald head or anything UNRELATED to food. When you publish only contextually relevant content on your website, Google rewards you with a higher ranking in the directory. And you already know that being on page one in the first Google position is a very favorable place to be.

Publish Unique Content

Another thing that helps your website rank more easily is to be the ONLY place on the web to provide unique information in high demand. For example, if only YOU can solve a problem that a lot of people want solved, write about THAT on your website.

Website ideas for beginners contain useful, beneficial content that helps your target audience in some way. Keep this in mind as you make a name for yourself on the web developing your unique online presence!

Patriot Business Marketing